According a new Gallup survey, most U.S. workers who are currently in the workforce plan to work after 67, the "full retirement age" for most people now in the workforce. In fact, if you add those who plan to...
Both presidential candidates have "more jobs" high on their list of priorities. One candidate has promised to create 25 million new jobs. The other candidate promises a massive investment in infrastructure that will improve the country and, yes, produce...
If you need proof that "everything old is new again," consider apprenticeships. They started in the early Middle Ages. Blacksmiths and cobblers took in young men (yes, men) and provided them with room, board and training in their craft....
The best part of my 4th of July celebration: My cousin reminded me that a few years ago, at some other family gathering, we'd had a chat about her son. He's a bright kid but clearly not cut out...
Although half of Baby Boomers in a recent Gallup survey said they plan to keep working past traditional retirement age, that doesn't mean they plan to stay in their current jobs. With children grown and mortgages under control, many baby...
Roberta Matuson wrote a terrific article for called "The Bottom Line on Why You Can't Fill Jobs" that critiques employers' hiring practices. She contrasts complaints from employers... We can't find talent. We can't keep talent. We can't keep...
In a recent TED Talk, Chip Conley referred to "a survey that showed that 94 percent of business leaders worldwide believe that the intangibles are important in their business, things like intellectual property, their corporate culture, their brand loyalty,...
Minnesota's Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) just published five-year projections about the job market. The Star Tribune's lead on the story was, "Health Care's a Gold Mine." I'm not sure the story supports that headline. Here's what I'd...
A new report by the Gallup organization dubs Millennials the "job-hopping generation." According to the report, "21% of millennials say they've changed jobs within the past year, which is more than three times the number of non-millennials who report...
When I taught at Moorhead State University (as it was then called), I served as an adviser to students who had not declared a major. We had a wonderful dean who encouraged students to put off choosing a major...
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